What is this thing called RSS?
RSS allows you to syndicate your news, websites, and weblog entries around the web. The abbreviation RSS can refer to the following standards:
1. Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)
2. Rich Site Summary (RSS 0.91)
3. RDF Site Summary (RSS 0.9 and 1.0)
RSS technology allows subscription to websites that have RSS feeds available; usually webpages sites with changing or ever expanding content. Most RSS subscriptions are free.
RSS provides the full content or a synopsis of the content along with links to the full content. Other meta-data can also be included, including photos(not available in our feed hosting at this time, however). The content is delivered in XML formatted as an RSS feed, / stream / channel. RSS helps frequent web visitors track updatesusing RSS Feed Aggregators or RSS Feed Readersr.
How can an RSS Feed help my site?
RSS feeds can generate new and repeat visitors to your website. Search engine rankings also often benefit from the addition of an RSS Feed. An RSS Feed also qualifies your website to get a backklink at one of the many RSS Feed Directories on the web.
How can other sites display my feed?
We provide the Flash and JavaScript objects we provide. These are already customized to show your feed!
What feed directories do you recommend?
These RSS Feed Directories are highly recommended:
Feed Shark
LS Blogs
How do I ping my RSS Feed to the outside world?
Use Ping-o-matic. It pings several services in one fell swoop.
Where is Atom feed support?
Atom feed support is not currently available. Please contact us and let us know if atom support is vital to you.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_query() in /home/rssfeed/public_html/inc-5feeds.php:66
Stack trace:
#0 /home/rssfeed/public_html/FAQ.php(65): include()
#1 {main}
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