Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Adelaide: An Innovative Breakthrough Smoking Program

Jane Fielder has acquired her certificate for Master Practitioner and Trainer of Timeline Therapy� and is also a member of the Australian Hypnotherapist Association funded and started the program Quit Smoking Breakthrough that aims help smokers to become non-smokers. Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy Adelaide is a method for helping individuals to have positive change in their lives using the power of hypnosis. This technique has been scientifically proven in changing repetitive behavioural problem such as anxiety attacks, phobias, fears, smoking, alcohol reduction, pain control, stress management, health and wellness, motivation and changing unwanted habits to name a few. The aim of the program is to provide clients with the appropriate tools in converting a smoker to a non-smoker in all its sense. Most importantly, clients will achieve a life full of empowerment, health and vitality. According to WHO (World Health Organization) report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2011: �Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death globally and is currently responsible for killing one in 10 adults worldwide. Despite the effectiveness of comprehensive bans, only 6% of the world�s population was fully protected from exposure to the tobacco industry advertising, promotion and sponsorship tactics 2010.� Through the Hypnotherapy Stop Smoking Adelaide created by Jane Fielder, people will be living a non-smoker life and will focus more on home life, socializing, accomplishing daily routines and travelling. A non-smoker life will achieve a more productive and healthy lifestyle compared to those who opt to lead a life with nicotine. Jane Fielder Consulting also wanted to help the environment; an environment that is ideal for the children and the generations to come. Jane Fielder personal consultation and training program does not only focus on changing a smoker to non-smoker but it also includes Hypnotherapy Lap Band Surgery Adelaide Australia that will help individuals reduce weight in a non-invasive procedure that incorporates procedures like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Hypnotherapy. In order for the program to become successful, the Jane Fielder Consulting and its website encourages participants to be committed to attend booked sessions, practice self-hypnosis techniques, listen to any inspirational and take home CDs, take 100% responsibility for the participants desired outcome in being a NON SMOKER IN ALL SITUATIONS and focus on what the participant want. Testimonials from Jane Fielder Counselling clients posts both as inspiration and motivation to those who want to traverse in the same path towards achieving goodness, wellness and health. Through Hypnotherapy Adelaide, a program has been created that to do away with cigarettes, and help the participant to have an idyllic life free from any disease caused from cigarette smoking. Breathing fresh air instead of cigarette smoke is better for the health and wellness for the individual. Jane Fielder Counselling is a company founded by Jane Fielder; a licensed hypnotherapist uses the power of hypnosis in making one�s life becomes better. For more information, check out http://www.janefielderconsulting.com.au and learn how they can help you.