Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Adelaide: A Non-Invasive Procedure in Losing Weight

The Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Adelaide, commonly called Virtual Gastric Banding technique, is a non-invasive procedure that instructs the mind and body to lessen the acceptance and craving of food. Through the assistance of hypnosis, the participant�s brain is trained to hamper the reception of food thus giving the person the feeling of satiety. Jane Fielder, a registered Rehabilitation Consultant and member of the Australian Hypnotherapist Association, created this program in order to train the mind and body to reduce food intake in order to achieve the desired body weight. This program received enormous positive media attention due to its approach on successful weight loss management. Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Adelaide is a combination of both Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Hypnotherapy that helps an individual explore, analyse and change the habit of eating with an everlasting effect. The inclusion of both Behavioural Therapy and Hypnotherapy gives participants the feeling of pleasure and relaxation. It has been used by many countries such as UK, USA and Australia to name a few.This procedure does not require body penetration such as incision or injection or any other form of surgery. More so, this invasive procedure will also guarantee the participant free from any side effects. The advantages of Hypnotherapy Lap Band Surgery Adelaide Australia (http://youtu.be/uRRcQT1VyUM) is that participants will experience a no risk and no medical treatment procedure. Apparently, the program pursues the same principles of surgical procedure but still the participants will not be required to go the hospital for waiting and recovery periods because the treatment can be accomplished speedily and privately. According to Jane Fielder, �a trial was conducted in 2012 with 23 participants. At weight in at end of the first week, a total of 28.9 kg loss was recorded and reduction in clothing size- from size 24 to 20 then to 16 in just two weeks. Other participants reported that they cannot eat the amount of food they normally eat, some eating a third less and others reporting halving their food portions. Men had to tighten their belts and some even purchase new trousers�. The success of the procedure relies on how the participant is very well committed to the program. Hypnotherapy Weight Loss Adelaide provides CD�s and sessions that will help participants to be goal oriented. The participant must prepare and accept the changes on his or her eating habit and lifestyle. For an individual who possess an over 25 BMI, Hypno-Band is the safest weight loss procedure and cost effective technique that substitutes to Gastric Band Surgery. This procedure assures participants with no side effects after the course of action. Losing weight is important especially when a person�s BMI already exceed the required body mass. An individual will be prone to various diseases if reached obesity level, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes type II, stroke, cancer, osteoarthritis and high blood pressure. Thus, Hypnotic Lap Band Surgery Adelaide Australia will save individuals from any diseases due to obesity and will achieve the desired weight using the power of hypnosis. Through Jane Fielder Consulting, participants will be able to create a positive change in their lives.