Steve Sinner The Inventioneurs LLC New Invention Science Hill, ky Before you do anything protect you invention, do a world wide patent search and build a prototype that works. Draw and describe your invention and have it notarized. Send a copy to the
Do You Have Patent Rights For Sale?
Steve Sinner
The Inventioneurs LLC New Invention
Science Hill, ky
Before you do anything protect you invention, do a world wide patent search and build a prototype that works. Draw and describe your invention and have it notarized. Send a copy to the Mail Stop DD program at the patent office. Then file the utility patent.
The hard reality to face is your Invention must be proven before any company is going to buy your Patent Rights. You must get the product tooled and packaged and selling in stores and prove the public wants your product.
If you have a product that the public will buy, then what Grand Dad always said �the proof is in the pudding� comes into play? You need to figure out what it will cost to get the product manufactured and start a corporation to get it to market.
Figure out how many shares for the corporation you wish to keep and sell off the remaining shares to everyone and anyone, friends, family, business associates etc. Price the shares low enough for poor people to buy into your company. If you really have something, many of you friends and family and business associates will invest to get your product to market. If you don�t have something the public will buy, chance is no one will invest.
Now if you are unable to go the way just mentioned, you should consider one of the most successful methods used. Offer you invention to a small company. Ask for no money upfront and a royalty after it proves itself.
After 20 years of inventing I have learned that only one in a million inventions are accepted by major manufactures before they are proven to sell on the market. If you want a major manufacture to come after your invention you must pay your dues. You must take it all the way to market and it must prove the public wants it. Then and only then will you succeed in selling your patent rights for a huge amount of money.
So if you are tired of getting nowhere with your invention, try one of the proven methods above.
Inventioneurs LLC just made a deal with a small company to test market our Plug Snug-it if it sells and proves itself they will license it giving us a royalty, and if a major manufacture buys the Intellectual patent rights then Inventioneurs LLC will receive 95% of the profit from the sell of the patent, and Sinner Enterprises Inc will receive 30%.
Sinner Enterprises Inc Is a corp. that starts new companies to put their new Invention on the market.
We are working on well over a 1000 Inventions at this time.
Steve Sinner
President of Sinner Enterprises Inc
Managing Member of Inventioneurs LLC