Buy A Tax Lien Are you knowledgeable enough as an INVESTOR? Are you constantly updated? Ted Thomas, Tax Deed and Tax Lien authority insists investors KNOW about Title Insurance. For their OWN PROTECTION, in case of disputes over the title of the property. Ted Thomas forewarns investors regarding the significance of title insurance. Accordingly to his website,, the company's task is to research. Research the history when you buy a tax lien and other liens on the property. This is done before a title insurance policy is issued. In case a dispute over the title of a home, the company is expected to resolve it. Many title companies are sometimes hesitant. They ignore or neglect to issue a Title Insurance when you buy a tax lien at a Tax Auction. This SHOULD NOT BE THE CASE! Do not be fooled! Be in the KNOW! For more information Visit (321) 449-9940 Connect with Us... Facebook Twitter YouTube Channel LinkedIn Buy Tax Lien Online